Monday, April 15, 2013

Sports Photography

This weeks theme is sports photography

My top three favorite sports are
1 Bowling
2 Baseball
3 Football

To take professional photos of sports their are a few things to remember
    Do not use the flash, using the flash can be distracting and even game changing to the players.
    Be original and always go for adding different elements into your photos, one good example is showing the crowd in the photo.
    Don't look away from the game every you take a picture to check the photo, doing this can result in missing something important.
   Using a slow shutter speed will allow what focused to be sharp with a cool looking blurry background.

After looking at some of the Prezis about sports photography by students from last year I will write about my favorites. The name of the student that made my favorite  Prezi was Allison Vallen. Her presentation was well made and informative. It describes the aspects of taking good sports photos and some of the experts in the field. It even explains how photography differs from sport to sport.

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