Sunday, November 4, 2012

hurricane sandy

Hurricane Sandy was no doubt a devastating storm, it was certainly more damaging then what was expected. Here I have five photos showing the aftermath Sandy has brought to the east coast. Nobody  could not prepare for the magnitude of this storm becuase hurricanes usually fade in strength when they reach these parts of the country. Flood waters were probably to blame for most of the damage, this flooding went far from the coast invading houses, destroying everything inside and knocked some homes off there foundations. Now that the storm has passed many new problems emerge, people who decided to brave-out the storm are still out of touch with others. Without things like food and water the situation becomes much worse. And now damaged gas lines are leaking and catching already damaged areas ablaze. But I'm sure that people will join together and repair the damages and make the east coast livable again. I'm sure that back to the way it was and if not stronger. As long as we all do our part this "perfect storm" will be only a memory.                                                                                                                                                 

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