Friday, November 23, 2012

10 things I'm thankful for

For this blog I'm going to show 10 things I'm thankful for

   1 I am thankful for my family, especially because i see them all every sunday
 2 I am thankful for the food my family were able to have this thanksgiving.

 3 I am thankful for my sister who was always there for me my whole life
 4 I appreciate my room, it is small but it has everything a good room needs

 5 I am thankful for the two cars in my garage, i am very proud of them and they make me stand out to other people.

 6 I am also thankful for  my house which i was raised in.
 7 Im thankful for my bike which for so long was the only way of transportation, other then walking that I was in control of

 8 This is the painting equipment I used with my dad, I am thankful for this because i could spend time with my dad and I was paid for it also.

 9 I am thankful for bowling which I have become very good at and it is very enjoyable

10  Finally I am thankful for my phone, without it i would still have to remember everyones phone number and use a house phone.                                                                  

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