Sunday, March 3, 2013

high speed photography

My top five photos



In art class we are discussing high speed photography. Above is 5 excellent examples of this form of photography. High speed photography is exactly what the name says, by using special cameras, events that are too quick to be seen by the eye are captured and photographed. Part of this assignment was to put five photos that I thought were the best and the first one is a picture of water drops. Ive picked this photo because the effect of the colorful background reflect in the water is very interesting. My second photo is again of a water drop but this time it has a coloring and is splashing. This picture shows the simple yet complex shape made by water which reminds me of a flower. My third picture is also a water drop, but this one shows the drop bouncing back up from the water. I chose this photograph becuase of the lighting and the red and blue throughout the picture. The next is yet again a water drop with an exciting combination of colors added to it. I find this particular image amazing because of the fantastic shape the water makes. My final image differ from the rest as it is not water, but a shattered light-bulb. To the eye the glass would shatter then it would be istantly on the ground, this photo shows how the glass reacts to better and how the bulbs stays lit for a short time. This is a very interesting form of photography as it shows the everyday world in a very different way. It also makes things too fast to experience much easier to understand. I have definitely learned a lot form this assignment about high speed photography.

my own example of high speed photography, my sister jumping off a couch.

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