Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Abstract art

Abstract art  - different form usual art because of its departure of reality in imagery

Non-Objective Art - Does not represent a certain object but is created with lines and shapes.

Non Representational art - Does not focus on a single thing.

Abstract Expression- A subconscience style of surrealism.

                                                    Here are 5 examples of abstract art

                                         Here are 5 black and white abstract photographs

Here are my own examples of abstract art

Monday, March 25, 2013

Joshua Allen Harris

Joshua Allen Harris creates his artwork out of trash-bags and against a vent the bag will form an image. I tried to do the same, after an attempt to create an octopus I changed it into a blimp

Saturday, March 23, 2013

recycled art

Here is step by step of my recycled art. I created a person out of magazine paper, paper towels and glue.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Andy Goldsworthy 2

I know that the pictures are not all facing the same way but it still relates to the Andy Goldsworthy's form of art. Last summer when I found out about my cousin Jack my family decided to spell JACK out of seashells. Because of my assignment to make something in the style of Andy Goldsworthy I thought now would be a perfect time to share this.

Andy Goldsworthy

Here are some examples of my own art that is inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

Thursday, March 14, 2013

3 artists

This here is three artists that I have chosen to write about.

Roy Lichtenstein- Roy lichtenstein is an artist that uses solely primary colors in his art. This pop artist stands out because of his style of art that seems to have come straight out a comic book. Surprisingly he assumed his art as  humorous and considered it as a parody

Pablo Picasso- Picasso is one of the most well known artists in existence. He was also very important in the cubist movement. He has also made great strides in sculpting as well.

 Andy Goldsworthy-  Andy Goldsworthy uses what he finds in nature to create his art. He'll use anything from flower peddles to icicles.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldworthy uses only things he finds in nature to create his artwork. These are my 5 favorite examples of his work.

Chris Jordan

This picture is created in the style of the artist Chris Jordan. Roughly 6000 teens die each year due to texting and driving. Each cell phone in this picture represents 375 teens that have died.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Art21 video "History"

Watching the Art21 video "History" I have learned 10 facts

1 The series of paintings called the coloring book painting were based off of kids drawings.

2 Glen Ligon was the first to use black neon signs in art

3 French citizens had electricity in their homes during the french revolution

4 Although electricity was available only oil was used in the streets of France because it was more "ascetic" 

5 Solitude is an important factor to becoming an artist.

6 The Glitney is the place with a majority of Glen Ligon's work

7 Coal dust is used in Ligen's work because of its shine and how it is defined as something useless.

8 Artists do not make a lot of money.

9 Glen Ligen uses stencils and oil crayon together because they counter act each other.

10 Picasso spent his entire life learning how to draw like a child.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Chris Jordan

My 3 favorites examples of his artwork
Depicts 29,000 credit cards, equal to the average number of personal bankruptcy filings every week in the US in 2010.
Depicts 67,000 mushroom clouds, equal to the number of metric tons of ultra-radioactive uranium/plutonium waste being stored in temporary pools at the 104 nuclear power plants across the U.S. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

high speed photography

My top five photos



In art class we are discussing high speed photography. Above is 5 excellent examples of this form of photography. High speed photography is exactly what the name says, by using special cameras, events that are too quick to be seen by the eye are captured and photographed. Part of this assignment was to put five photos that I thought were the best and the first one is a picture of water drops. Ive picked this photo because the effect of the colorful background reflect in the water is very interesting. My second photo is again of a water drop but this time it has a coloring and is splashing. This picture shows the simple yet complex shape made by water which reminds me of a flower. My third picture is also a water drop, but this one shows the drop bouncing back up from the water. I chose this photograph becuase of the lighting and the red and blue throughout the picture. The next is yet again a water drop with an exciting combination of colors added to it. I find this particular image amazing because of the fantastic shape the water makes. My final image differ from the rest as it is not water, but a shattered light-bulb. To the eye the glass would shatter then it would be istantly on the ground, this photo shows how the glass reacts to better and how the bulbs stays lit for a short time. This is a very interesting form of photography as it shows the everyday world in a very different way. It also makes things too fast to experience much easier to understand. I have definitely learned a lot form this assignment about high speed photography.

my own example of high speed photography, my sister jumping off a couch.