Tuesday, February 19, 2013

10 tips for photographing food

1 Lighting
Make sure to use natural light when photographing food.

2 Props
Try to use things common on a table such as a plate or a glass with the food.

3 Be quick
Food doesn't stay the same for long so make sure you photograph it quickly.

4 Style it
Pay attention to the balance of colors and shapes in the food.

5 Enhance it
Things like vegetable oil will help make the food glisten

6 Get down low
Getting close and low to the food definitely shows the detail in it.

7 Macro
The Macro setting on your camera will focus on the food that is close up.

8 Steam
Having steam rise from the food gives it a fresher appearance.

9 Try different angles
Every photo does not need to be directly in front but can be above the food

10 Have a shallow depth of field
Focus on the closest parts of the food and have the furthest parts fade away.

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